Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Whats cooking good lookin'

My parents came up for dinner on Sunday night and we had a yummy dinner. My mom brought a delicious spinach salad and I made Sundried Pesto halibut with Hasselback potatoes. This was my 3rd time making the halibut dish (we are trying to use up all the halibut and cod we have in our freezer from our big fishing trip last year). The potatoes were a first try. They were good but the cooking times were off...so I ended up having to microwave them for a bit. I am frying the leftover potatoes up tonight for hashbrowns :)

Anyways the halibut is super easy. All I do is combine a couple tbsp of sundried tomato pesto with butter or margarine. I usually try and do more sundried tomato pesto compared to butter. Then all you have to do is add some fresh or dried parsley. Combine so it becomes a yummy butter.

Next, all you need to do is put some olive oil and S&P  on the halibut, then grill until cooked. Once the fish is off the bbq, put the sundried tomato butter on the hot grilled fish. Serve and enjoy!

For the Hasselback potatoes...in a frying pan saute some minced garlic with butter and olive oil. Next take 4 baking potatoes and with a sharp knife make slices across the potato the short way about 1/4 inch apart. Make sure to stop cutting before you go all the way through the potatoes. Then slather the potatoes with the garlic mixture. Cover them in tinfoil and bake at 425 degrees for 30 minutes. Then continue baking uncovered for 15-25 minutes (depending on oven and size of potatoes).  Next time I make them I will zap them in the microwave for a few minutes before popping them into the oven.

Happy cooking!

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